JoomBri Freelance v2.8 Released
We are happy to announce the immediate availability of JoomBri Freelance v2.8 to all our customers with active licence.
Use the coupon code RENEW10 to buy or renew your JoomBri licence and get 10% OFF on all licences.
Take a look at our demo site now to see it in action! We have added the following features in our new release.
• Built-in File Manager in the backend which helps the site admin to remove unwanted files from the server.
• Users can load more news feeds in the dashboard.
When users or projects get deleted, user profile pictures, project images, attachments, etc. are not deleted automatically occupyinig your server space. With the help of our new release, you can identify and delete those redundant files and save your server space.
In the earlier versions, users can load only number of feeds limited by the admin but in the new release, users can load more feeds using AJAX request without the need of refreshing the page.
• Download link - Click Here [visible only to members with active license].
• Please take a back up of your site before upgrading.
• If you have modified the source code or CSS files, take a back up of the files as they would be replaced with the new version. Click here for upgrade instructions.